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Community Article 07576: 18-Nov-12
TREE CUTTING QUESTIONS: Consumers Energy Line Clearance Work Controversial By: Dave Rogers |
"The BUZZ" - Read Feedback From Readers! |
nvinbc Says:
On January 20, 2013
at 03:25 PM
Consumers Power crews cut about 20 trees in our yard and did a wonderful job. We had considered having them cut down for several years but did't have it done due to the cost. A Consumer Representative stopped by and asked about cutting them. I asked how much they were going to cut and he said "We'll cut whatever you want. We'll cut them all the way to the ground--if you want." They said it would be a month or so before they would be working here. When they came last year, they did a wonderful job. They even raked the yard afterwards. There was very little left for us to do but put the few pieces left out by the road with a sign saying FREE WOOD. By the end of two weeks all the wood was gone. Nothing left but homeowners and wood burners that were very happy for all their free work.
blhailston Says:
On August 25, 2016
at 12:31 PM
I have 2 large tall Ash trees near power lines that died over the winter. Would Consumers remove them as a normal course of line area maintenance or would I be charged for the removal?