2003 Tall Ship Salute on Arrival
Tall Ship Celebration 2003
Credit: Stephen Kent
July 7, 2006
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Previous 6 Photos of the day
Originally shown Sunday 2006-07-30
2003 Tall Ship Head on
Tall Ship Celebration 2003
Credit: Stephen Kent
July 7, 2006
Originally shown Saturday 2006-07-29
2003 Tall Ship High Work
Tall Ship Celebration 2003
Credit: Stephen Kent
July 7, 2006
Originally shown Friday 2006-07-28
2003 tall ship crowd
Tall Ship Celebration 2003
Credit: Stephen Kent
July 7, 2006
Originally shown Thursday 2006-07-27
2003 tall ships in port
Tall Ship Celebration 2003
Credit: Stephen Kent
July 7, 2006
Originally shown Wednesday 2006-07-26
2003 tall ship wheel
Tall Ship Celebration 2003
Credit: Stephen Kent
July 7, 2006
Originally shown Tuesday 2006-07-25
2006 Ship Rigging
2006 Tall Ship Celebration
Credit: Stephen Kent
July 21, 2006
Originally shown Monday 2006-07-24
Tall Ships in Port 2
2006 Tall Ship Celebration
Credit: Stephen Kent
July 21, 2006
(3,182 photos are currently on file.
You're on number 2,313)
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