Red Coat and Straw Hat
2008 River of Time Encampment
Credit: Stephen Kent
October 1, 2008
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Previous 6 Photos of the day
Originally shown Thursday 2008-10-02
The Standard Bearer
2008 River of Time Encampment
Credit: Stephen Kent
October 1, 2008
Originally shown Wednesday 2008-10-01
Tobico Clouds
Late afternoon clouds at Tobico Marsh
Credit: Stephen Kent
September 6, 2008
Originally shown Thursday 2008-09-25
Purple Loosestrife
Credit: Stephen Kent
August 16, 2008
Originally shown Wednesday 2008-09-24
Little Nectar
Mini-meal. It takes a lot of these little flowers to get a fill-up.
Credit: Stephen Kent
August 4, 2008
Originally shown Tuesday 2008-09-23
Little Nectar
Mini-meal. It takes a lot of these little flowers to get a fill-up.
Credit: Stephen Kent
August 4, 2008
Originally shown Monday 2008-09-22
Purple and Green
Credit: Stephen Kent
August 16, 2008
Originally shown Sunday 2008-09-21
State Park Boats 2
A mile of boats line up in the shallow water along the Bay City State Park beach.
Credit: Stephen Kent
August 4, 2008
(3,182 photos are currently on file.
You're on number 1,669)
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