Spring Skater
As soon as the snow is gone the kids hit the concrete at Bay City's Infinity Skate Park
Credit: Stephen Kent
April 2, 2009
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Previous 6 Photos of the day
Originally shown Friday 2009-04-03
First Crocus 2009
And they were covered with snow 4 days ago
Credit: Stephen Kent
April 2, 2009
Originally shown Thursday 2009-04-02
Spring Snow
Just when the bulbs start thinking it's safe to sprout. . . SNOW!
Credit: Stephen Kent
March 29, 2009
Originally shown Wednesday 2009-04-01
Spring Skater
As soon as the snow is gone the kids hit the concrete at Bay City's Infinity Skate Park
Credit: Stephen Kent
April 2, 2009
Originally shown Friday 2009-03-27
Young Historians
Michigan District 5 National History Day winners - Bay City
Credit: Stephen Kent
March 21, 2009
Originally shown Thursday 2009-03-26
Wall of Ice
Ice from Saginaw Bay piled up on St. Park Beach by northeast wind
Credit: Stephen Kent
March 21, 2009
Originally shown Wednesday 2009-03-25
Ice Piles on Beach
Ice from Saginaw Bay piled up on St. Park Beach by northeast wind
Credit: Stephen Kent
March 21, 2009
Originally shown Tuesday 2009-03-24
Frozen Picnic Tables
Frozen melt water as snow gives way to Spring
Credit: Stephen Kent
March 21, 2009
(3,182 photos are currently on file.
You're on number 1,490)
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