October 23, 2011
Government Article 6367

Mayors Race To Be Decided By Voters November 8th

Candidate's Forum and South End Citizen's District Council Discuss Issues

Water and Sewer Rates Continue to Dominate

October 23, 2011
By: Diane Szczepanski

Approximately 50 people turned out to hear the Candidates Forum at the Senior Center, at Fremont and Broadway in Bay City on Thursday, October 20, 2011.

Kathi Newsham, running against Incumbent Mayor Chris Shannon, cited her 20+ years of involvement in the community, her experience as former Mayor and current commissioner and her "love of the city", as reasons to be elected to Mayor.

Shannon differentiates himself by stating his "training, education and experience" brings a lot to bear to the table. In addition, he relayed his focus would be "jobs, jobs, jobs and economic development for the area".

Incumbent Mayor Chris Shannon (l) and unopposed 6th Ward Candidate, Chris Girard (r)
having a talk before the forum begins

Moderator for the evening's forum, Tom Baird, keeps the meeting moving along

Increased water and sewer rates and how to solve this problem was a major focus with all the candidates, as was bringing a positive face to Bay City, along with jobs and making it an attractive place to live.

The cost of running the bridges continues to be a topic of discussion and finding the solution to the cost of operations, was an area of concern for most, if not all the candidates.

The 2Mil road repair request being put to taxpayers, was also a big issue. It was noted that there have been no residential road repairs done on Bay City streets and sidewalks since 2003.

The 5 year program would add approximate $65 in additional taxes to a home valued at $160,000.00. Candidates varied in their support of this and how they would vote:


All candidates in attendance expressed the desire to get citizens in the community more involved and active in the governing process.

Candidates will be campaigning and going door to door in the upcoming weeks and elections will be held on November 8th, 2011.

Approximately 50 people turned out to listen to candidates

Elizabeth Peters, Candidate for 2nd Ward Commissioner, informs the crowd of her priorities if elected,
emphasizing the "residents of this city, are our boss"

Kathi Newsham tells crowd she would "always be available to talk to residents, if elected Mayor"

Mayors race to be decided on Election Day November 8th

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