September 13, 2018
Community Article 11357

Is That Bridge MOVING ?

It's not your imagination. The Liberty Bridge does have a problem.

September 13, 2018
By: Stephen Kent

If you haven't been there when the Liberty Drawbridge was opening or closing, you may not have noticed how slow it is. In one recent stop, it took over 20 minutes to cycle.

Although one wag said it was slow because "they want to replace it", that's not the reason. Instead, there is a problem with the control system... and the city knows about it.

"Believe me, we want that bridge to work", said DPW Manager Kurt Hausbeck. He and his staff and crews have been working on the problem for some time. "The controlling circuits are out of date. We've replaced circuit boards and nothing seems to work." What's worse is that the city has been forced to operate the bridge in "maintenance mode", which makes it go even slower.

"Our staff has been working with GE, Inc. to resolve the issue but with no success yet. We're trying to schedule a GE technician to come on-site to troubleshoot the issue, but that requires a contract, which takes time too" said Hausbeck.

The city has looked into replacing the opening and closing equipment but the cost is projected to be north of $800,000. Considering the ongoing discussion of the bridge's future, this is not something to be taken lightly.

So, if you see traffic ahead backing up, and if you're not already stuck in traffic past the last turn-around or exit, try to take an alternate bridge. If you do get stuck waiting you're just going to have to be patient. Maybe it's a good idea to keep a book in the car so you have something to read.

There's not much else you can do. Just keep in mind, the city wants it fixed as much as you do.


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