Bay City Doesn't Need Another . . .
March 27, 2015
By: Josh Sharrow
Browse the comments below any story posted recently on both Mlive and MyBayCity and you'll find a slew of comments saying how Bay City doesn't need another ____________. (Fill in the Blank)
Free Enterprise Definition: An economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control.
Bay City is a growing community! The developments at Uptown are a sure sign that things are "happening" in our little mid-Michigan town.
I've been trying to find where the new "Pessimist Club of America" has been holding their weekly meetings. You know . . . where a group of "Debbie Downers" get together to decide what Bay City doesn't need any more of.
Hey Trolls...
Get Lost
The "Negative Nellie" group has just released their initial annual report of "Things Bay City Has Enough Of:"
The Pessimist Club says:
Bay City doesn't need another pharmacy.
Bay City doesn't need another restaurant.
Bay City doesn't need another hotel.
Bay City doesn't need another church.
Bay City doesn't need another bar.
Bay City doesn't need another cell phone store.
Bay City doesn't need another group of condos.
Bay City doesn't need another bank.
Bay City doesn't need another car lot.
Do you know what Bay City does need?
We need
fewer comments from pessimistic, INTERNET trolls.
Hey Trolls... We don't need your help while we're planning the future of our great town!