Customer Service Is The Key!
Free Food Helps Though.
November 17, 2011
By: Josh Sharrow
This Week's Customer Service Award Winner!
I recently had to have a sports jacket altered.
Apparently I've lost some weight, and the jacket didn't fit quite right anymore.
Don't bother helping me look for the weight, I don't want to find it.
I dropped off jacket off, the lady tells me it will be ready for pickup, one week from today.
Yeah, Sure it will.
2 Weeks later, I call the store and ask if there is any chance my jacket will be done soon.
No big deal.
It's been done for a week?
The business did what they said they were going to?
Now THERE'S a concept!
Here is a business right in our backyard that defined Customer Service!
Nancy Schafer from Wedding Daze on Salzburg, made me look good, which is no easy task!
Today's economy doesn't allow for shoddy customer service. The days of "They are a regular, they'll come back", are over. You have to strive daily to provide quality service at an affordable price.
We've all had a bad experience with customer service and told all of our friends about it. Blasted them on facebook, and spread the word.
When's the last time you had a GOOD Customer service experience and shared it with your friends?
I encourage you to find one good thing to say about a Great Lakes Bay Region business, and share it with your friends!