I Didn't Know - Do You Know?
Shop Kroger And Save! Kroger Plus Card Gas Savings Is A HUGE Relief!
December 30, 2008
By: MyBayCity Staff
Spend $1 - Earn 1 Point Towards Fuel Savings!!!
For many years, I have been a Kroger customer. For many years raising three young boys, I have spent thousands of dollars on groceries and cleaning products at Kroger stores. For many years, I had NO idea what I was throwing out the window in savings.
I always used my Kroger Plus card to get savings on my items and was aware that somehow, I could save a few pennies on my gasoline but had absolutely no clue as to how much and continually threw it away. Each and every month ... why?
Because I was unaware of those little points at the bottom of my receipts, never even paid attention to them to be honest. I did know that just by using my Kroger card, I could save a couple of pennies because my grandmother does it, however, I rarely got my gas at Kroger because just down the street on Euclid, I could always get the best price on gas in town.
That has all changed since the end of November when a Kroger store clerk informed me as she handed me my receipt that I had 759 points that I could utilize for a $.50 savings from December 4th through January 4th per gallon of gas, up to four fill-ups! WHAT?????????
What was she talking about? Points at the bottom of my receipt? I had never even noticed them there. EVER!
Being a single mother of three growing teenagers, buying a ton of groceries each month and spending approximately $800 per month on gasoline as the Sales & Marketing Director on the road 24/7 ... I simply could NOT BELIEVE that I had this resource available to me all along and did not even know it!
I am happy to say, that during the month of December through January, I used my four fill-ups which only cost me $92 for the ENTIRE MONTH! This folks, was like getting a CASH bonus at a crucial (Christmas) time of the year for me! I even got to fill up my tank this week (my final fill-up for the month) for only $.94 per gallon!!! Gasoline at Kroger was $1.44 per gallon and with my $.50 savings ... I filled up my vehicle (Chrysler 300 - 19 gallon tank) for UNDER $20!!!!! Unbelievable when it had been costing me up to $60 per fill!
Each and every month, you can do the same! You get 1 point for each $1 you spend. Below is the graph of savings you will receive as you spend throughout the month. For example, I just went grocery shopping yesterday for New Years Eve and spent $197 and got double points on some items, which put me at 389 points. I am on track to save $.20 per gallon right now for next month. If I spend more there before December 31st, I will earn more points and save even more from January 4th through February 4th!
Simply input your Kroger card at the pump and if you have savings points, it will ask you (I had always clicked "N" when this came up because I did not know what it was nor did I buy gas at Kroger very often, if ever!) if you wish to use your savings of $ whatever your amount is for that month, click "Y" and you'll have it! (Up to four times per month - 4th through 4th)
Ever since I found out about this, which many of you may already know, (but I am hoping someone out there did not so I can help spread the word through this column) I have changed my shopping habits to take full advantage of a program I once ... did not!
I do most of my grocery shopping at Kroger now. It is a methodical process, especially when it comes to cleaning products and staples, I feel I can save more on those particular items at Meijer or Walmart. Maybe I am making more "Stops" than usual, but I have more in my pocket at the end of the month because of this! I have never been a "coupon" kind of gal, but being a more vigilant shopper is my resolution for 2009!
$1 spent equals 1 point earned
150-349 points..........10¢ off per gallon
350-549 points..........20¢ off per gallon
550-749 points..........30¢ off per gallon
750 or more points..........50¢ off per gallon
Earn fuel points at participating Kroger locations this month and redeem your rewards beginning the 4th of next month.
Points earned will be 1 point for every $1 spent, (RX - out of pocket spending only see RX for details) excluding Fuel, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Kroger Gift Cards, Services and Items prohibited by law. Fuel awards are inclusive of our everyday 3¢ discount. Commercial vehicles and farm equipment are excluded. A fill-up refers to one vehicle with a 30 gallon limit. Kroger reserves the right to discontinue the fuel program at any time. One award per fill-up per household (4 fills per month). Household is all members that have a Plus Card registered to that address.
I hope that someone out there found this of assistance and begins to take advantage of a program that has been at our finger tips all along! I hope to educate myself in 2009 of all promotions available to the public from establishments such as Kroger, Meijer and more! In fact, let me know about other "good deals" that you think I may be able to utilize by writing me at OJ@MyBayCity.com! (And no folks, Kroger is not a paying advertiser! I simply want everyone to be aware of this fabulous savings! Happy New Year to you and yours!)