Thinking Out Loud
Cut it Out!
May 17, 2015
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By: Diane Szczepanski
Instead of playing to win, I was playing not to lose.
Sean Covey
Maybe you've played this game too.
You mow your lawn, because neighbor 'A' mowed theirs and now yours look like a jungle.
Oh, you would've happily let it go another day or two, because in actuality, you like your grass a little longer. That and you don't have time for thrice weekly lawn cutting.
But, just when you make yourself put on the old, grass stained, yard work tennies and begrudgingly forced yourself to go pull a shoulder muscle trying to start up the finicky machine you own and completed a job you didn't want to do in the first place, but at least now you don't look like a dirge compared to said neighbor, two days later neighbor 'B' revs up their mower.
And the vicious cycle starts again.
I'm all in favor of imposing designated mow days for neighborhoods.
Everyone gets it done say, Saturday morning. All the noise pollution centered in a two or three hour time span. Everyone's lawn at the same height. None of this, "I have to cut mine now, because they cut theirs" stuff to deal with.
Personally, I think it's a brilliant idea.
I'm going to work on bringing this to fruition.
In between mowing, of course.
Diane Szczepanski
Business-woman by day, confessed boot addict by night and 'wanna-be' writer, music lover and proud Mom of an awesome guitar playing, teen son.
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