The Story of Little Frankie The Debit Card Compromiser.
March 25, 2015
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By: Josh Sharrow
Hi, I'm Josh Sharrow and I rarely have over $1,000 in my checking account.
It's not that I'm proud of it, but it's just a fact I've come to live with. From here on out we'll refer to having anything over $1,000, as "having a comma" in the bank account.
Recently, in New York, someone (We'll name him Little Frankie for the purpose of this column) tried to use my debit card numbers for a $1,000 transaction.
Apparently Little Frankie needed a comma in his bank account.
After the $1,000 transaction failed, Little Frankie tried to run my card for $500. Seriously? You're next level down from $1,000 was $500??
If Little Frankie is reading this, let me help you on your scamming techniques. Google the person's name you're trying to scam.
Google Josh Sharrow once.
Do it! . . . I'll wait. . .
It's not that hard to see by my Google results, that I work for a small (But really popular) INTERNET newspaper. I'm a semi-entertaining mobile DJ. I also am an on-air personality for a local country radio station 98 KCQ. All of those things together equal about $30.
Now, Little Frankie, as much as I am flattered by your recent attempt to steal my money, you need to be smarter about it.
My bank would've never alerted me if you would have tried to buy $300 worth of donuts at a local Krispie Cream. Actually, Little Frankie, you could've probably bought an entire cow. It wouldn't matter if the cow was dead or alive, my bank wouldn't have notified me.
Now Little Frankie, instead of trying to steal $1,000 from me, why not steal $10 from 100 people and go un-noticed.
Call me (989) 892-8501 Extension 23 and I'll try to get my bank to notify you whenever I have a comma in my account.
Josh Sharrow
Sharrow is the Sales Manager, columnist, writer, coffee maker for O.J. Advertising and an on-air personality for 98 KCQ.
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