Oblivion on the left. Penelope and Jessica are on the right. The choice is so simple.
(Photo courtesy of the proud father, Zane Reynolds)
Better One? Better Two?
February 15, 2015
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By: O. J. Cunningham
It's freaking cold outside.
There's no football until September.
I don't/won't go ice-fishing.
I was browsing the INTERNET . . . hoping to get an annoying (just kidding, Mike) Facebook update from Mike Seward as to how his warm weather retirement is going . . . when I came across an article (written by Jon Stone) on a United Kingdom News web site called the Independent.
According to the article, someone asked the "researchers" at Oxford University to determine how the Earth -- as we know it -- will (someday) come to an end.
"It is a scientific assessment about the possibility of oblivion," the study's authors were quoted as saying about their publication.
Next time, "that someone" might just think twice before asking these Oxford Researchers for their "Debbie Downer" doom and gloom prognostication.
In case you're wondering . . . (And I know you are) . . . There are twelve (12) --- 12 terrifying ways that Oxford Researchers think human civilization is most likely to end.
I'm sure you're "chomping at the bit" to get to the list.
Here goes . . . They were not numbered and/or designated as most likely or least likely . . . but it seems to me that the events at the top of the list are more likely to happen than those at the bottom. (Especially the last one . . . "the dreaded" Unknown Consequences)
Extreme climate change
Nuclear war
Global pandemic
Major asteroid impact
Super volcano
Ecological catastrophe
Global system catastrophe
Synthetic biology
Artificial intelligence
Future bad global governance
Unknown consequences (My Favorite)
Here's the link to all the gory details of the article.
But your time might be more enjoyably spent looking at this LINK -- pictures of my first grandchild . . . Penelope Grace Reynolds . . . Born in Seattle to my daughter Jessica and her husband Zane.
Penelope Grace is just two days old.
But I like to believe that the newborn Penelope(s) of the world will find a way for our species to survive.
O. J. Cunningham
O. J. Cunningham is the Publisher of MyBayCity.com. Cunningham previously published Sports Page & Bay City Enterprise. He is the President/CEO of OJ Advertising, Inc.
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