Thinking Out Loud
Why, Thank You!
October 5, 2014
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By: Diane Szczepanski
It is a great mistake for men to give up paying compliments, for when they give up saying what is charming, they give up thinking what is charming.
Oscar Wilde
I received a nice compliment this week.
Given by a professional colleague and business friend, one who I greatly admire for her work ethic, involvement in the community and overall good-natured personality.
It meant a lot to me.
Of course she couldn't have known it, but it came exactly at the time I needed to hear a bit of affirmation and an appreciative a pat on the back
Thoughtful words so graciously shared, were readily accepted in the spirit given and completely changed my outlook on the day's tasks ahead.
Through this simple act of kindness, I have come to recognize the power of a few gentle, encouraging words.
It is such an easy thing to uplift each other.
To mark other's accomplishments with a kudo, to lend solace in another's situation, to give a smile where none has been asked.
It costs nothing but our time. It makes US feel a better person to perk up the day of our fellow man. It makes us human, in the very visceral sense of the word.
In a world of negativity, upheaval, anxiety, self-doubt and stress, a genuine compliment can do wonders for the soul. For the giver, as well as the receiver.
I wonder what the world would be like, if we would strive to find just five opportunities to encourage the people who cross our daily path.
It might surprise us.
Diane Szczepanski
Business-woman by day, confessed boot addict by night and 'wanna-be' writer, music lover and proud Mom of an awesome guitar playing, teen son.
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