In Support of Local Libraries
Vote Yes on Millage Renewal on August 6
August 3, 2002
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By: Stephen Kent
On Tuesday, August 6, Bay City voters will be asked to renew the 1.2 miloperating millage that supports our library system. Normally this wouldbe a "no brainer" libraries are an essential public service and nobodywould ever consider not funding them.
This year's election is different. A heated debate has evolved in thenewspaper and on local internet chat rooms. A small, but vocalminority, has decided that they don't like the way the library system isbeing run and they want to show their displeasure by defeating theoperating millage.
Bay County citizens must not allow this to happen. The millagebeing renewed provides the majority of day to day operating funds forthe library system. Without the millage, the library will have nochoice but to CLOSE!
It is imperative that we approve the millage. The issue for the opposition seems to be based on displeasure over thelibrary improvements and the new main library which was approved twoyears ago in a different millage. They try to make a case that therenewal millage is somehow part of this project. They try to show thatthe renewal is in some way a new tax. They are wrong.
The renewal millage is exactly that, a renewal. There are no new taxes.
A point that seems to be missed, or mis-represented, by the oppositionis the size of the millage being renewed. It is TINY! The average BayCounty tax payer will pay about $48 per YEAR. That's less than a dollara week. It's a couple of tanks of gas. Or a few packs of cigarettes. Or taking the family out to eat once.
Bay County has one of the best library systems in the state... all thestatistics support that statement. Our library system is also one ofthe best managed. The management and staff provide the highest level ofservice at a far lower cost than any of our neighboring communities. Our cost is $25.20 per citizen.Saginaw pays $34.51 per citizen andMidland pays $55.66.
Supporting our library system is essential. To even consider not doingso staggers the imagination. The opposition position is neither logicalor reasonable. They would destroy one of our greatest assets and dotremendous damage to the reputation of the community.
YOUR support is essential...
VOTE YES on Proposal "C"
Support our fine libraries.
Stephen Kent
Steve Kent and his family have lived in Bay City for 40 years. He is VP of Technical Services at MMCC which produces MyBayCity.Com. Kent is active in many Bay City civic organizations.
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