I've never been a smoker, and never plan on smoking. I smoked one cigarette when I was probably 7, and picked tobacco out of my mouth for a week. I still don't know if that's something all smokers do, or if I just did it wrong.
This week, while at The Willew I realized that people were outside smoking during the recent 4 day RainZilla. For those readers outside of The Great Lakes Bay Region, here is a weather report for what has been happening around here.
It has been literally raining sideways the last 4 days, and yet, there are always 5 smokers outside of The Willew - smoking.
A local smoker once told me that Nicotine is more addictive then Cocaine. Which explains why you don't see people doing lines outside in a snowstorm. Even people who do Coke are smart enough to wait until they get home.
I have addictions.
I have a strong addiction to coffee. I have to have it. It really is like crack. If I don't have it, I start looking for people to sacrifice.
Here's my point.
If the only cup of coffee I could have today was:
1 - outside
2 - outside in a 40mph wind
3 - outside, in a 40 mph wind and sideways rain . . .