Jayden Lamb Remembered
December 1, 2012
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By: Josh Sharrow
My columns are usually pretty off-the-wall.
Today my column has a bigger meaning.
About 2 months ago, I became aware of 8 year-old Jayden Lamb. Jayden was a brave young man who was suffering from brain cancer. He was a bright and energetic boy who loved life just about as much as he loved Brad Paisley.
On Wednesday November 28th, 2012, young Jayden passed away.
I never had the opportunity to meet Jayden or his family, but I was able to keep up on the progress of Jayden through his facebook page, Keep on Truckin Team Jayden.
Jayden became a part of my day.
Jayden Lamb
© MyBayCity.com
Every morning, I would wake up and begin my day with Jayden. Checking the facebook page and very quickly it became a part of my life. Seeing his progress was uplifting and comforting. Knowing that he was fighting the good fight made me want to be a better person. Knowing that he was experiencing something so horrible, made me look at my life differently.
I started to reflect on my life and my own son.
On May 9, 2008, Brady Thomas Sharrow was born. I loved him from the moment I saw him. Brady is very much like Jayden, energetic, fun, optimistic, and loving. He loves music and loves being the center of attention. Brady is so young that he is oblivious to the word cancer. His world doesn't revolve around things like Chemotherapy.
Jayden spent the last few years of his life struggling. Jayden also spent the last few years of his life teaching. He taught people how to appreciate the life they have been given. People like myself, who had never met Jayden, are forced to look at things differently.
When things don't seem to be going the right way, think of Jayden, and ask yourself, Is your day really that bad? This little man was put on this earth to teach people the value of life. He was put here to teach people to appreciate the gifts they have been given.
Even though Jayden has passed, he will continue to be a part of my day. I will cherish my son, my wife and the life I've been given. I'll live life differently.
I'll live life the way Jayden wanted people to. I'll continue to "keep trucking" -- through the good and the bad. Please remember Jayden and his family and continue to support them in any way possible. I'll end this column with a quote from Jayden's father.
"Hold your kids. Don't sweat the small stuff. If they're a little bit bad in public it's OK. Talk to them as a parent but just enjoy them. Because you don't know, you just never know how long you're going to have them," - Tom Lamb
Keep on trucking little man!
Josh Sharrow
Sharrow is the Sales Manager, columnist, writer, coffee maker for O.J. Advertising and an on-air personality for 98 KCQ.
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