Too Fat? Take A Stand? Excuse me?
January 29, 2012
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By: Josh Sharrow
The pin says it all! (Josh Sharrow - 2003)
Someone recently posted THIS on my Facebook wall.
"If you are overweight and know what it feels like to get picked on talked about bullied pushed around and you want to stand up and make a change in kids life's that have to put up with this like we did on a daily basis."
WOW That was a long sentence, Go On . . .
"Then help stand for a good cause. Send me a picture of yourself and The reason that you are standing to my inbox."
Send you a picture of myself? Obviously you've already stalked my Facebook and identified me as "one of the fats".
"In return I will make you a picture just like mine. Your photo will be shared around the world. Letting everyone know that you are taking a stand."
Why is this OK to post on my wall? I understand the message that's being sent here.
I get it, I really do!
I was a big guy all through out high school. Much bigger than I am today. Thankfully I had a great group of friends I surrounded myself with that didn't talk about me, bully me, or push me around.
I didn't let my weight change who I was. I accepted that a higher power made me this way, I made the best out of it. I became a better person by being heavier.
I remember in school playing the game Heads Up 7 Up, I was bigger than the desk, which didn't allow me to put my head down on the desk. Who am I kidding, I can't put my head down on the desk today either, but my friends retrieved a stack of newspapers so I could play.
I played the cards I was dealt. I never complained about it. In the summer of 2003 I went on a trip with my Grandfather to Colorado, where I realized I needed to do something about my weight. I was 18 years old and couldn't walk up a full flight of stairs.
I took action, I stopped eating a bag of Chips when I wanted a "snack", I started eating salads and such. My point is this, if you are overweight, NOBODY CARES!
Join the club!
You need to Stop whining about it and stop making Facebook profile pics about it! Take a stand for YOURSELF! Learn to love yourself for who you are as a person, and not for who other people see on the exterior.
Don't believe me? Enjoy my senior pictures!
Pass the gravy . . . I'm hungry!
Does this car make my butt look big?
(MyBayCity Photo by Josh Sharrow)
Yes folks, that is a whale in St. Charles, Michigan!
(MyBayCity Photo by Josh Sharrow)
That poor crate I'm sitting on is screaming for help!
(MyBayCity Photo by Josh Sharrow)
Josh Sharrow
Sharrow is the Sales Manager, columnist, writer, coffee maker for O.J. Advertising and an on-air personality for 98 KCQ.
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