Pain in the Neck
How Much Does Your Purse Weigh?
January 1, 2011
By: Julie McCallum,
Senior Staff
How much does YOUR purse weigh ?
Do you know how much your purse weighs?
In a recently visit with my Mother, she picked up my purse and commented on how heavy it was.
She asked me, how much does that thing weigh?
I laughed it off. Then she continued on the subject saying, that in a recent episode of "Dr. OZ" he did a feature on how a heavy hand bag can give you neck, shoulder, upper back problems and even headaches.
Ever wonder why you get certain sudden bursts, tinges or zingers of pain in your neck or unexplained headaches? Could this be a possible culprit?
Well after this conversation I HAD to go home and weigh my purse, out of curiosity. Well the verdict.... 6.5 pounds. (I think the purse itself weights 1.5 pounds.
According to the American Chiropractic Association's recommendation, women should avoid carrying handbags that weigh more than 10% of their body weight.
Obviously the best handbags to avoid these issues are the ones that go across your shoulder and/or strapped across your back, where the weight is even.
Other then weight issue, its really hard to find a purse that is 'user friendly'. It's the outside that catches your attention.
I laughed and could relate to a friend of mine who described her purse as a bottomless pit, as she considered throwing it to the side of the road.
Another friend's comment . . . "Trying to find something in this purse is like bobbing for apples without teeth and it is just a big cavern of cluttered crap"
Now . . . go weigh your purse, and consider taking out things that are taking up unnecessary space. :)
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