Is This For Real ?
Why I don't take any kind of prescription drugs
November 13, 2011
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By: Julie McCallum,
Senior Staff
(Editors Note) This column may not be suitable for all audiences.
Although Prescription drugs can save lives in some instances, I am not a big fan of them or even over the counter meds.
I try not to even take Ibuprofen for a headache. Did you know meds like that will also lower your immune system? I will take vitamins & supplements and that's about it.
For instance, on a prescription that treats arthritis symptoms, including pain, stiffness, and swelling, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain relief, such as for pain following a procedure or straining a muscle.
The side effects may include: (And this is no joke) Heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, heart failure from body swelling, kidney problems including kidney failure, bleeding and ulcers in the stomach and intestine, low red blood cells, life threatening skin reactions, life-threatening allergic reactions, liver problems including liver failure, asthma attacks,
and . . . . if that doesn't stop you in your tracks ....
NOT DONE YET, Because: OTHER SIDE EFFECT MAY INCLUDE: stomach pain, constipation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and Dizziness.
Would it really be worth it?
In some cases, the side effects may include one of the reasons you are at the doctor in the first place.
I can't help but laugh at this, let alone put these drugs into my system.
You've seen some of the commercials . . . ."Ask your doctor if 'Happy pills' are right for you." The commercial tells you what the pill is for, and then spends the rest of the commercial breaking the bad news of the side effects it may cause. I mean how bad of pain do you have to be in .... where the better option is anal seepage .... ?
As a secondary solution maybe read the book 'Natural Cures- They Don't want you to know about" by Kevin Trudeau.
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