Our Office Staff Has Turned Into Coffee Snobs
September 25, 2011
By: Julie McCallum,
Senior Staff
This is Not Our Coffee Pot
Last Choice Country Blend By Populace
We have totally turned into coffee snobs at our office.
It started out with Folgers made in a cheap coffee pot. The only issue was whether it was too weak, or too strong looking like mud.
Then Andrew from Populace Coffee made a visit to the www.lastchoicecountry.com studios . . . and that's when things started to change. He brewed his coffee while we watched ... and just the aroma alone made us appreciate really good coffee.
Not to mention Andrew has now named one of his coffee flavors to "lastchoicecountry."
Well that sure helped in developing our coffee snob attitudes.
We treated ourselves with Populace Coffee maybe once a week, but then it got to the point where staff would call in every morning -- asking what coffee was being made -- Folgers or Populace ?
Since I am usually the first one in the office, I started feeling a little pressure in the A.M. I had to make the coffee everyone relied on and perhaps needed to start their day.
Sometimes I just deprived myself of the early A.M. coffee just to avoid the coffee wars, to appease everyone's variety of tastes. But that did not work cause then the question was . . . why is there no coffee made?
Next we moved up to a BUNN coffee maker . . . because obviously the old coffee pot was no longer good enough for us coffee snobs. Coffee is now ready in a minute . . . no pressure on me now right? . . . letting the picky coffee connoisseurs make it themselves.
One morning, one of the staff brought in coffee from Brewtopia, Bay City's Best flavor, and soon it was 'the good coffee' everyday!
Thats NOT the end there . . . mistakenly . . . one of the office staff picked up a bag of Populace and got the whole beans . . . instead of the ground up coffee. OH boy, now thats a problem, and thank God it wasn't me!
It was at a desperate time to us cause we were out of the good coffee leaving us with only the gagging Folgers. Well as we suffered through the low life coffee for a day. As a relief to all of us, someone mention they had a coffee grinder and would bring it in the next day.
Well NOW, even 'good coffee' ground up is not good enough for us, now it's the Whole bean coffee needed to be ground up fresh every morning.
That is where we are at, but hold on to your cups because NOW, there is talk about the Keurig coffee pot that Lisa from Design Science has down the Hall.
And.. I don't even want to mention that everyone has their own special cup... (although they don't wash them) OJ's is the Glass, Josh and Shawn have their 'names' on their cups.. and of course mine is the Sportsman Channel cup. George has a special thermos-like looking cup. While Bob Darbee grabs my sports related cups, go figure or whatever is clean.
Feel free to stop in at the Great Lakes Bay Media office and maybe talk business over a NICE CUP OF FRESHLY BREWED GREAT TASTING COFFEE ! :P
"The BUZZ" - Read Feedback From Readers!
George says:
On September 30, 2011
at 12:36 PM
I'll be the first to admit to being a coffee snob long before moving into the MyBayCity offices. I blame it on my long food service background and being exposed to many great coffee companies....just hard to drink Folgers or Maxwell House after that.
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