It's A Love/Hate Relationship . . .
July 10, 2011
By: Julie McCallum,
Senior Staff
This is 'Chawley' My MALE 112 year old CAT !
That drives me absolutely CrAzy, ya know like any Male
P E T S ... are they WORTH it ??!
I've had pets all my life . . . cats, dogs and even a tarantula and this 'last' pet still alive, a 16 year old cat. . . well if I do the math in 'cat' years it's
112 years old
So I will take under consideration that my MALE cat is practically senile at age 112, but he drives me Crazy, costs large amounts of $$$, deprives me of
R.E.M. sleep . . . but dang he is so cute and cuddly!
So IT IS a true Love/Hate Relationship. Hate him one moment, love him the next.
I will say this: I will not so much as own a "goldfish" when he passes, but I can also guarantee after that you can expect a blog of me crying my eye balls out...
And as I write this column 'my cat' is at my side laying practically on my laptop. Little does he know I am bashing him out.
He keeps me awake through out the entire night but as soon as I am up out of bed, where can I find him . . . sleeping soundly in the bed. GRRR
And don't even get me on the subject of D O G S . . .
Heres a good example though . . . "I have family members that have to leave a family get-together just because they have to let the dog out."
OR ... my dog has to come with me 'cause it has separation anxiety,
OR . . . I will keep the $$$ air on at home when I leave for work, cause I don't want the dog to have a heat stroke.
It's a vicious cycle too, 'cause once they die, people just have to replace that void, I guess in their life. Me for one, am at the end of my rope.
On the up side:
Save Money $$$$ (this is HUGE)
R.E.M. Sleep
Furniture that will not be clawed up
No litter Box gross Clean up
Down side: - No one to talk to ?
. . . To be continued . . after passing of pet . . .
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