Let the little children come to me . . . For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these (Matthew 19:14)
Schoooooools OUT for Summer!
Life's Been Busy
June 5, 2011
By: Julie McCallum,
Senior Staff
Recently I attended my nephew's graduation ceremony at Faith Lutheran in Bay City.
"Share, Be nice to others, Say your sorry when you hurt someone" . . . these are just some of the things Mrs. Sonntag, Kindergarten teacher, mentioned in her speech to her kindergarten class recently.
These are some of the character traits the class also learns along with their education.
But it was also a good message for adults I thought -- something we should keep in mind and practice as adults.
It was definitely something to think about.
Another comment from my eleven year old niece, came to heart, as I asked her how the last week of school was, her reply "Life's been busy"!
(It reminded me of when my nephew said, "Life is Good")
School kid's lives are some of the busiest. With all the hustle and bustle of being up early for the bus, school, after school sports, homework, extra curricular activities and etc . . . the pace is difficult.
For my nephew, this is just the beginning, and I hope to not miss and to take the time to be there and support him at these special times of his life.
Congrats to all the graduates of 2011 and good luck !
(Above) The class sings "Jesus Loves Me"
(Above) Mr. Daniel Stoelting, Principal, congratulates Justin Prevost
(Above) A reception was held afterward, and for me it was much like a reunion visiting with many of the parents.
I'm surmising that they are "Sharing" ;)
"The BUZZ" - Read Feedback From Readers!
playpals Says:
On June 08, 2011
at 07:12 PM
Hi Julie
I just happened to browse the Faith Lutherans Fast Direct one more time since it was report card today and stumbled upon an email Mrs Gettel sent me. It was the web address of your article you wrote on Kindergarten graduation. How thoughtful and beautiful. I thought my tears were over. Thank You & I will pass it on.
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