It was the 2011 Kids Choice Awards Saturday night!!
And I WAS There . . .
Well I was actually in front of the TV . . . but that is definitely an accomplishment, for me.
As I asked my niece 5 times to remind me what time Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith & American Idol Judge) was going to be on the KCAs, I made sure I had it set up for a recording at 8:00PM (Eastern). Chances were I would not be home on a Saturday night.
As it turned, out I was home at 8:10, oh boy, just a little late, so I watched it "live" - on TV. :)
Well I watched the entire show and I admit, how fun and exciting it was, with all the green slime, the black eyed peas, Johnny Depp, Jim Carey, Monster Trucks and JACK BLACK as the HOST -- Well how could you go wrong?
With all the excitement, I forgot all about The Steven Tyler appearance (well almost) and it's over and still didn't see him. Is it possible that he made his appearance in the first 10 minutes, no way.
As I go back to my recording . . . go figure, he is the first one to make his appearance, along with the ICarly girl.
But in the end, the 2011 KCAs set a world record with over 2 hundred million votes - Kids voted (on line) for their picks, stars, and favorites.