You just gotta love it when local singer/songwriter/musicians put it all on the line, take their music on live stage . . . and come away with success.
Bay City/Midland's The Full Catastrophe (Kelley & Thomas) were "regulars", just a few years back, at the Midland Street Stables as the two competed in MyBayCity's Michigan Idol competition.
Now, they're making waves on bigger stages. Hats Off to you guys.
The Full Catastrophe is now a two person Electronic/Indie-Pop musical ensemble based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The twosome spent their early years in Bay City and Midland, honing their craft, before moving on to bigger things in Grand Rapids.
Members Marc Kelley and Lauren Thomas blend pop vocals with electric guitar, folk melodies and hip-hop instrumentation, thereby creating an entirely new super-genre which is all in all quite nice to listen to.
This ultra-hip twosome is continually working on creating a sound all their own while working to massage the ears of audiences locally with their musical mastery.
A early 4 track EP "Zygomatic" features the award-winning single "Tom Hanks" as heard in their music video for the song.
In January of this year, the duo released a second album, Century, that features the group's latest hit - "Bloanaweigh."
Marc Kelley and Lauren Thomas alone are one part under-the-radar humor and one part self-aware sex appeal, respectively. The Full Catastrophe is a band unafraid to sing out against such issues as Tom Hanks and cocoa puffs.
Marc plays guitar and sequences the back-up music; Lauren is the vocalist and not camera shy in their music videos.
You can hear all of their music by clicking the YouTube video below.
New Album Release -- Century Marc Kelley and Lauren Thomas -- The Full Catastrophe
O. J. Cunningham is the Publisher of Cunningham previously published Sports Page & Bay City Enterprise. He is the President/CEO of OJ Advertising, Inc.