State Police Sgt. Yvonne Brantley dances with kids at Wilder Road Meijer
Thank You State Police Sgt. Yvonne Brantley
December 8, 2015
By: Josh Sharrow
Every year I'm asked to DJ an awesome event at Bay City's Wilder Road Meijer store called "Shop With A Cop".
Several children from the community are invited to Meijer to . . . Shop With A Cop.
State Police Sgt. Yvonne Brantley
"The Dancing Trooper"
Every year one person "takes the cake".
State Trooper Yvonne Brantley.
State Police Sgt. Yvonne Brantley, affectionately referred to by me as "The Dancing Trooper" continues to impress me at these events. Brantley is out on the floor dancing with the kids, whipping & nae nae'ing
(That is the first time Whipping & Nae Nae'ing has ever been written in a MyBayCity article!), wobbling and even instructing the Macarena from time to time.
With all the negative press about law enforcement officers in the Mainstream Media today, this State Trooper Yvonne Brantley spotlight is intended to shine a different light, a positive light, on an officer who goes out of her way to make a child smile.
Thank You Sgt. Yvonne Brantley and Merry Christmas
"The BUZZ" - Read Feedback From Readers!
Dswacks Says:
On December 15, 2015
at 06:09 PM
I have met Yvonne she is a great person
Bab72410 Says:
On February 29, 2016
at 04:21 AM
Officer Brantley has a permanent spot in the heart of me and my family. She is a beautiful person that goes above and beyond in her job and I'm so happy to see her get recognition for that. Thank You Yvonne for all the beautiful things you do for people. God bless you.
Josh Sharrow
Sharrow is the Sales Manager, columnist, writer, coffee maker for O.J. Advertising and an on-air personality for 98 KCQ.
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